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Young, with much to learn. The hard way


Young, staring down the barrel


I trusted him

And that was a big mistake.


I believed her

Every heart felt word

While she kissed me back

Before trashing

The love I exposed.


I never believed

That fate

Wasn’t mine

To control.


Now I know better

At such cost

That I resolve never

To feel that pain again.


And end up

Shutting out

All the goodness

Open to me.


Such is the price

Of knowledge

Of the ways of people

And the life

We must endure.


That pain is inevitable

And that it is happiness

That readily eludes us.


The only real option

Is to dive in

Or crawl dry

And risk free

Through a life

Devoid of opportunity

Where euphoria

Knows your name



22.1.24            10.40 pm



What are your thoughts on love?
And for that matter, on happiness in general? 
And risk. And depression. And one's 'default state' as it were. Sum it up your own way. Just share your thoughts. 

Love to hear your view.


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