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I'm right. And they're wrong.


I'm so right.

Democrats - Republicans.

Labour - Liberals.

Russia - Ukraine.

China - Taiwan.

Israel - Palestine.

That 'modern' term, division or conflictwill never end. No one individual or group is responsible for it. If we look within, we see our own contradictory natures. As Bruce Hornsby sung, 'That's just the way it is. Something's will never change.'

I'm right and they're wrong and that's all there is to it.

Summed up in this little video I put together. Resonate for you?

Watch on YouTube HERE.

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Hope you have a good week.

Until next time, 



  1. It is indeed effing annoying that opinions are now "facts" in certain people's minds.
    Love ya.

    1. Feelings matter more these days. All sides are guilty of it.
      Thanks Robyn. Hope youre well.


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