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We all need these


How you doing?

These past three weeks (really four months), I've had a hell of a time. We all have our problems of course. When your mental reserves are very low, then everything becomes difficult. Work, travel, getting out the door. But when faced with a big problem it becomes completely overwhelming. I feel like I barely got through. Let's just say I can see why people take drastic steps they can't return from.

Might explain more down the track but for now, I just want to push on and try to get back to normal. So here's a little one from the archives. Not published before.

Inherent to humanity is...



A story is a good thing

We need it

Even if we really don’t understand


It’s not as simple as entertainment

Or escapism

Or looking for a person parallel

Or any of these clichés

It goes to the heart of communication

Between two people

Or more.


Otherwise we wouldn’t give a shit

What anyone said

Words flying off unnoticed into the breeze

Including to ourselves

As the deranged already understand

The need to hear a voice

It’s in our synapses

Bones and all

The need for a story

In text, film, TV or song

And if that don’t cut it

We’ll listen to some other wanker prattle on

Without telling them to shut the fuck up

Because no matter how bad it gets

We still want to know

…and then what…



(I certainly wouldn't write 'deranged' in a poem now but neither would I censor something written years ago).

I really do hope you're well. I know some on my reading list are going through really challenging times. Suffering is part of life but doesn't mean we can't talk to others or seek help or put up our hands in despair. We just want to know that someone is on our side. And a few were for me. You know who you are. Thank you.



A.J. Langford Books


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