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Looking back on your life


Very fitting that this is the last post of 2023.

This was written in 2013 though, much like it says, the past is perhaps not as clear as we think. 


Happy Snaps with Polish


Take a second or two

Time traveler

How does the old world seem?

Nostalgia has a name

And faces

And aromas

You’d forgotten about.


Your past has a new paint job

But now that you’ve revisited it

It’s as real as now

(Feet in the present)

With your mind

In ten other places.


It’s a hazy scene

From a VHS movie

A long lost cause

Worth celebrating

Yet without the passion

And not quite the way

You remembered it.


What’s a story without embellishment

Or at least

Eradicating the mundane

And inconvenient.


The shadows are long

And the sun is dying

So take a snapshot of now

The past never looked so good.


How did that feel for you? Is your past how you remember it or is it tainted through time and misrepresentation? 

May the year to come be a good one for you. As I age, I am happy enough to have good health and aim for peace and hope for the same for those around me. 

Or at least, fake it, so that when you look back in years ahead, it will look awesome. 😃


A.J. Langford Books

Short film 1997

Short film 2018 - Watch at anthonyjlangfordbooks
Staring my daughter when she was 7

Short film 2004


  1. Looking back is very surreal. We're always seeing things through subjective lenses based on countless nuances and experiences. I just visited my old home. It looked nothing like my old home but looked lovely.
    Hope all is well and that you're enjoying the holidays, Anthony.
    Hugs to you.

    1. Interesting how the past keeps changing. Thank you for your insights Robyn. Glad you got to see your old home. My childhood home has long been pulled down. It was a shithole anyway haha.

      Peace and hugs. x

    2. Peace, hugs, and a great New Year to you, Anthony. xo


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