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He lost it - Basket Case Bruce


I'm going mad

How are you going this week? 
I ended up with Covid... ahhh. Felt better and disappointed to be missing out on a concert and 24 hours worth of work but them's the blows...

A little 'ditty' that you may be able to relate to.
Let me introduce you to Brucey.

Definition of Crazy


Basket Case Bruce

They called him


No matter how many moments

That were peaceful

That were satisfying

That were rewarding

He somehow

Found his way

To that gully

Of misery.


That self pity pit

Where he felt like shit

Much like a skin coloured glove

Pulled taut

Over his being.


Only happy

In passing

Rubber band

To Home Base Hell.


It must be Home

He realised

One night

Or why else

Would he return there

So often?


Brucey had to accept

His lot

Yet, still

He fought against it

Like a drowning man

Lungs already full of water.


Poor old Brucey

Knew he was the Frog

That was piggy backing a Scorpion

Knowing the Scorpion’s nature.



That sad fucker

Is a Basket Case

And Brucey is my name.



31.8.21  12.05 am

(sober and calm)

Depression and anxiety (and anti-depressant withdrawal) can hit hard at times, to the point I feel like I'm losing it. (They say if you're aware you're going crazy, then you're not).

In any regard, it's slightly cathartic to write about it. But it never goes away. Some days you can function just fine. Others are very tough. It's exhausting. 

Please share your own struggles if you feel like it. It helps to know we're not alone.

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