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Why modern poetry sucks...


How's life treating you? 
Let's change the tone this week. 

(Written a few years ago, maybe 2019).

Most 'modern' poets praise the classics that came before, without exhibiting any of the rebelliousness and individuality that made those innovators great. The newbies follow the classics style without understanding their heart. They copy each other even more so. 

There's nothing more dull than the modern political rant. 😩 
(Usually with a large dose of ignorance and hypocrisy).

There’s always been these sycophantic bores who sprout mirror copies of those long gone and profess to know what it means. The point is and has always been, to make your own point and forget what has become before. Forget what is popular. Stand your ground. Live on the edge and be prepared to fall on your sword. Make your mark to suit yourself. If others don't like it, so be it. Whether the work has any actual longevity or not, well, only time can decide that.

To be fair, these days I just stay clear of modern poets. I've seen too bad ones to bother. There's only one I like. Actually, I love his work. He's an artistic genius. You can find him Here

And I do like Rupi Kaur too. Very simple but honest. 

I've saved my best Poetry for submissions (and my books) but I no longer send material out so I'm going to be sharing them with you. (Again, this post was drafted years ago so I've already been sharing some. There are hundreds that I haven't and probably never will). 

Meanwhile, look back on what I've made available through this site plus my two poetry books below. Us & Them and the things in-between is also half stories. 

My Poetry

Until next time,


Meditations on Love and Loss
Click photo for link

'Caged' A Metaphor for depression
+ a variety of other poems
Click photo for link


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