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Lauded little late - Cue Applause

Controversial figure (Shrine)

They said about him
As though everything he’s uttered
Was significant
Rather the more realistic
Fragments of genuity
That floated equally with falsity
And exaggeration
And the substandard.

Polarising, they decried
To the Heavens
And the literary field
Abruptly littered with his name
Embedded eternally
Since his passing
Though barely mentioned before
Like a cockroach
In an acclaimed gallery.

Now every generation
Sprouts from him
(as thy would have it)
If only he were here
To acknowledge the acceptance.

More Poetry

Coming soon,

More on my new Book, A Refugees Rage
A new entry in the Nostalgia Video series


  1. I was thinking of Les Murray when I read this because I thought he was polarising - ie his attempted preamble to the constitution.


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