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Holiday sensations

Languid Lisbon

A night breeze of moderation
To replenish exertion
Lost to the day
A welcoming spirit to the air
Bringing a smile to the shopkeepers
A spring in the steps
Of the spruikers
And friends in transit
A mild rekindling
To old flames
And a need in the children
To have their voices heard
As they dominate the winding
Cobbled streets
With impromptu soccer.

Aromas too mixed to quantify
Enough to send vegetarians indoors
The rev of motorbikes
Floating bluish residue
The occasional motorist frustrated
Most noticeably tolerant
And laughter more prosperous
Moods perhaps tempered
By the summer like
Early autumn evening.

Seemingly, for the most part
That’s all it takes.

Written in Lisbon in September, 2014
My photos


  1. A rich mix of imagery and sensations, Anthony. It's so nice to read your writing again - feels like it's been too long.
    Love you, my friend.

  2. You set the scene well. It would be great to be somewhere with a welcoming spirit in the air.


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