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Shots in the dark

Presumption of guilt
Assumptions of ill intentions
                 Analysis based on appearance
Judgments from mere seconds
Of interaction.

The ultimate question
Is why
When we know this truth   
to be false
In so many regards
Ages and cultures
The world over.

More Poetry  with plenty more on the way.
New Videos Coming.

Feedback/Suggestions always welcome



  1. powerful poem thanks for sharing it

  2. I do this all the time when I am not looking straight through people.

  3. The graphic, which follows perfectly, makes me sad. It is a cruel world based on appearances or first impressions.

    Hope you're well, dear friend. xo

  4. The graphic, which follows perfectly, makes me sad. It is a cruel world based on appearances or first impressions.

    Hope you're well, dear friend. xo

  5. The graphic, which follows perfectly, makes me sad. It is a cruel world based on appearances or first impressions.

    Hope you're well, dear friend. xo


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