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Poem - A Life as a wish

A life as a wish

I’m tired of my dreams
Both real and imagined
One permeates my day
Ceaseless voice.
The other
Eating away at my nights
The disappointments
And woes
Of my subconscious
Dissolving me up
From the inside

Maybe they can come true
So I hear
From those few who’ve made it
But the truth comes at a cost
And the toll is already high.

It is more than tiring
It is a whittling away of the senses
Never satisfied.

I’m exhausted
And realise I’m running out of energy
And patience
And only wish
To be left alone
From these dreams
The internal
Curse of the Dreamer.

Next post,
The first video poem of 2012, The Internal Life.

Keep smiling,
Until then

My Books


  1. Being afraid of your dreams and wanting to run away from them. I am so at this stage of my life. One day I wanna achieve them all the other I wish I could never dream.

    Though this is a good reminder for me of my exhausting moments of life, it is full of bitter truthfulness!! I love how you express it all so smoothly.

    Good work Anthony! :D


    1. Thank you Zakii! yes it can be exhausting, but still, you must try.

      Stick with your dreams...


  2. "internal Eternal Curse of the Dreamer" <- very nice, human and prolific. I can relate.
    Be well, friend.

  3. You capture well how exhausting it must be to be driven by a creative force over which you have no control without which you feel like nothing but with which you are forever burdened by being at the whim of other's taste and the fad of the moment in order to get recognition.

  4. Thank you for your comments Robyn..
    and well observed anonymous... that pretty much sums it up.

  5. Your poem got me thinking: do I have a dream? Well yes, but not one that I consciously "dream" about. I have goals, things I want to achieve, but I don't dream about them. Perhaps my lack of a dream driven drive is what is holding me back.

    This comes from a person who often wonders what the point to life is if you don't follow your dreams. Most people don't. Or they confuse dreaming with collecting.

    It was a thought provoking poem.

  6. Very disturbing! Sounds to me as though you could have inherited something from your father. I know him.

  7. Nice one Anthony!
    Dreams and aspirations are a good thing. Doing nothing to obtain them is a waste. Doing too much to obtain them can become obsessive.

    My dream was to have a "normal" life. I'm so happy to that my dream became a reality....

  8. change the dream to become a reality , live some of it if not all. we have the ability to fulfill our destiny before ones end.
    great writing once again.

    Ginger Pappy


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