I don't normally post about things that aren't related to my writing, but the past two weeks has seen an impact on my writing and my life and though it is quite personal, I have decided to share it with you.
For those who know me personally, you will already know that my partner was hit by a car while out walking on the 20th of June. She is six months pregnant. Fortunately the car wasn't going fast and she (and her friend) were not seriously injured. The baby is also safe.
Believe me, it's the phone call you don't want. I was at work at the time and had to go to the Emergency department. It's terrifying, but of course, it's important to remain calm. I'm the main person she turns to so I have to remain calm. We are also grateful as we know it could have been much worse. She did go a bit up onto the bonnet but did not hit her head or stomach when she landed on the road.
The man will be charged with negligent driving. He was in the wrong.

Her leg was damaged but not severly. She needs injections daily to reduce the chance of a blood clot, which I have to administer, as her leg is in a brace. She will have an operation this week to fix the bone fracture beneath her knee cap.
It's painful and she is on crutches, but its even harder for her to get around as she is pregnant. She also has some torn cartilage. As she can't put any weight on her left foot at all, mobility is very limited. Naturally she is scared to have the operation but we have been guaranteed (as much as they can as there is always some risk) that the baby will be okay.
My partner won't be able to walk for 3 months after the operation, which is past the date the baby is due. Challenging times ahead. (She also has children from a previous marriage).
I will post an update after the operation.
I'll return to my normal posts soon. Hope you bear with me for the next couple of weeks.

Anthony that is shocking news but I am very happy to hear that both her & the baby are OK. I can imagine how worried you must have been to have received news like that. My thoughts are with you all & I hope that the surgery goes well. Take care of you too!!!
ReplyDeleteAnthony, I had no idea about any of this. I'm so sorry. Know that I am sending good thoughts and keeping the 3 of you (you, your partner, and the baby) in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteKeep faith,
Hey Anthony, man oh man, talk about shit hitting the roof! I'm so sorry your partner got hit by a car and ever so relieved that she and baby are fine and nothing too serious has come from it. It could've been worse, and don't want to even entertain those thoughts. Count your blessings that she and baby are both alive!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be a bit of rough ride for your all for a little while, it will pass. Look at this episode as a tiny dint in the grand scale of things. Once it all passes, when you lok at it in hindsight you'll realise that it wasn't so bad.
For now, focus on the positives that are coming. A new baby, your partner walking again, and the joys your baby will bring into your home.
Hang in there, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Best wishes to you, partner and baby.
Sorry to hear about you and your wife's situation. I hope the operation goes well to fix her leg and the baby comes through okay. It looks like you're in for a busy time in the next few months, but after that all you will have to deal with is a newborn baby :) You'll also have some new life experiences to sprinkle into your writing.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for your lovely comments. We are remaining positive and look forward to getting the next few months behind us.
ReplyDeleteI'll pass on your wishes.
I appreciate it.
Best wishes to both of you! Hope all goes well! Hugs! :))
That's terrible! Of all times for this to happen. Every positive vibe I have is coming your way...